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Imaginary Girls

What a strange book. We have an unreliable narrator, a dead girl alive and well again with no explanation and a beautiful sister that...

The Goose Girl

Such a sweet story! I thought that Ani/Isi's transformation and growth throughout the story was very well done. The romance was put on...

Echo North

This was the perfect read for the double digit negative numbered temperature that's going on outside. This is the second book I've read...

The Dead Queens Club

When I was in middle school, I went through an Anne Boleyn phase. I was very mesmerized by the whole story. When I found this book I was...

Deirdre is missing...

Dierdre is missing. Gone into the woods without a trace. This book had SO many good things in it that I loved. The first half of this...

The Waking Forest by Alyssa Wees

The Waking Forest by Alyssa Wees is a must read! A lush fairy tale featuring a Witch that grants wishes, a modern teenager whose life...

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